Eye Examinations
An eye examination is about more than just your vision. It is a complete health check of your eyes and can catch conditions that affect your general health.
Regular eye examinations provide peace of mind and guarantee that you can catch any issues early so they can be corrected or treated more effectively.
Caring for your eye health
Your eyes are an important part of your general health. Keeping yourself healthy with a good diet and avoiding habits like smoking helps to keep your eyes healthy as well.
There are also some specific things you can do to improve your eye health like wearing UV-protected sunglasses and taking breaks from your computer screen at regular intervals.
We help to support our community’s eyecare by providing quality products, thorough examinations and up-to-date treatments.

What to expect
Your eye examination is personalised for you and it will be based on factors like why you came in for an examination and any symptoms you might be experiencing.
All of our patients receive a fundamental group of tests that will assess your vision and look for any conditions that may affect the exterior or interior of your eyes.
Our examinations are completely thorough so you can rest assured that we will be able to diagnose any vision loss or condition.
Enhanced eye exams with OCT technology
Our enhanced eye examinations allow us to test for undetected eye conditions and provide an overall picture of your ocular health, so we can provide correction and treatment when necessary.
We are proud to offer you hospital-grade technology that enables our optometrist to see both the back of your eye, and a three dimensional image to look beneath the surface of the regular retinal image.
An OCT machine - Ocular Coherence Tomography - captures a digital photograph of the surface of the eye at the same time as using light waves to illustrate the different layers that make up the back of the eye.
The major benefit of this state-of-the-art machine is that it is easier to find out the exact state and location of a particular eye condition. Your images remain safely and securely stored in our system, so they can be cross-referenced at your next eye examination and any changes to your eye health can quickly be identified.

Low vision clinic
Low vision is a kind of visual impairment that usually cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or treatment. Everyday tasks like reading and cooking can become more difficult and frustrating.
To improve your quality of life, we offer low vision assessments specially designed to diagnose and care for low vision patients.
While conventional methods are less effective on low vision, visual aids like handheld and desk magnifiers can be helpful and digital aids can also be used to assist with specific tasks.
All of our products are designed to be effective and easy to use, so you can take care of everyday tasks without difficulty.